There seems to be two schools of thought: early surgery improves quality of life and USUALLY delays recurrence, start on 6MP or Imuran IMMEDIATELY after surgery - the other school of thought being saving as much bowel for as long as possible. After all we don't have an infinite amount of bowel to play around with.
They are trying, at least in Europe, to determine and catergorize different subsets of Crohn's disease: stricturing, fistulizing, etc. and relating that to the best surgical candidates for long term remission and those who most need to hold on to as much bowel for as long as they can.
I'm thinking it was PB4 who has posted some links to articles about
this categorizing of Crohn's disease.
And, by the way, I've had wonderful results w/6MP's "sister" product, Imuran, for 9 years now. Its kept me in symptomatic remission and/or full remission all that while so far. knock, Knock, KNOCK!!!