The scenario: I was employed with good health insurance when I was diagnosed with Crohns, but unfortunately too many flareups and hospitalizations caused my employer to let me go. Since then I"ve been on Cobra insurance at almost $700 a month but this has now run out too.
I find myself with this disease and no medical insurance to help me take care of it. I'm on so many medications and I'm not sure I can afford to pay cash for all of them, I'll know that after this friday.
My question to everyone: Does anyone know of an insurance company that will accept someone with the pre-existing condition of Crohn's and not make me wait a year for treatment like a couple of places do (Health Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health). Like the name says I'm located in Vegas. Have applied to Blue Cross/Blue Shield/Anthem, they turned me down flat.
Anyone out there that can help suggest someone? I'd really appreciate it. The thought of no medication or treatment for a year while I wait on a pre-existing clause keeps me up nights.
Thanks for any suggestions