my side effect happened the day after I took it esp the nausea. The hair loss got more and more as the weeks went on but on a differnt post I wrote that it stopped after 6 weeks.
I have to take it 3x a day too. I usually take one at noon, the 2nd at 6 and the 3rd one a midnightish. Reason why I take that that late is cause I work swing shift and it just works for me.
Things I noticed for myself. I still have nausea about 30-45 min after each time I take it but it isn't as bad as when I first started it.
Your immune system is weakened so be careful. you might want to get a flu shot. I got a cold last month and it took me 20 days to get over it. Oh and on the 12th day it turned into a sinus infection and I had to take 2 different rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it. Then the antibiotics killed all my happy troops so now my bowels have been recouperating.
I have to say that I feel much better taking it than when I was on the asacol alone.
good luck to you....