Thanks to everyone for your input on my first post. My wife read them with me and we both thought this site is awesome. So I thought I would ask two more questions:
1. Do you thinks it is necessary for a second opinion aftering being diagnosed with chrones? I have had colonoscopy said everything looked fine; had a small bowel follow thru and they said everything looked okay, had an upper endoscope and they said they found abnormalities in some villia and they suspected siliac disease and wanted to do a pill endscope (where I swallow the camera) the results they said was crones in my small intesine. So just curious should I seek second opinion.
2. What all types of questions do you think I should be asking when I got back on the 19th to talk to the doctor about the results? They already stuck me on 500 mg of Pentasa 6 times a day. That has been about two weeks ago and nothing has seemed to change.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.