Hi gang,
I have been off Prednisone for about 3 weeks and on Pentasa, with no diarrhea or anemia, and I think I am in remission. I saw my GI this week, and he sent me on my way until my next appointment in April '08. I have been feeling good, and have been becoming progressively more adventerous with my diet and had Mexican food last night. So today, I have had no diarrhea, but multiple bowel movements, followed by tons of white stuff that almost looks like shredded toilet paper and also clumps of slightly blood tinged mucus. I also have the chills. I have to work for several more hours, or I'd definitely be in bed! Obviously, I am reverting back to a more bland diet, but do you think this is cause for concern? My doc always tells me not to worry about mucus, but this seems excessive. Does this mean I'm not in remission? I really don't understand the whole mucus thing. Thanks for any advice!