First off, I just wanted to say I've been reading posts recently even though I haven't had much time to post responses - stupid law school taking up my time. But now I'm on break and I've got a few questions for some stuff going on.
I've been pretty much in remission for a month or so now, with just a few instances of D - so that's pretty amazing for me. I'm tapering off the Entocort and will be completely off of it by the end of the month. So now I'm on Pentasa and Imipramine as well as the B12 shots monthly (along with the tetracycline for acne). Anywho, I have an appointment with my doctor scheduled for the beginning of January, but I've been noticing a couple things that have been weirding me out.
I'm not sure, but I think I might have an anal skin tag or something of that sorts. It's kind of uncomfortable, but I thought I would just wait until my doctor's appointment to bring it up. Also, my BM's tend to have the little small parts of the pill capsules in it as well as it looking completely shredded. I don't know a better way to describe it. There now always appears to be mucous in it and sometimes it looks like pieces of toilet paper. And then today, I finally started noticing that what I thought was just coming from regular wiping (sorry this is so gross) seems to actually come from when I'm urinating.. it's like I have some BM in my urine. That can't be normal. But I'm not sure if that's also something I shouldn't be concerned with as well.. and should just instead wait until my doctor's appointment. I had surgery in April for endometriosis, and they took out my appendix as well. I've felt for a while recently that something feels like it's pulling inside me, like the stiches or whatever they did to hold things up that were falling down inside me (I had a tipped uterus.. ) is coming apart or something. Before I noticed the wiping today, I had a sharp pain in my side. I didn't think much of it, since this type of pain isn't that unusual. In other words, should I just keep myself calm and enjoy my break and the holidays and wait until my appointment?
Thanks for reading all of this. You guys are such a help in keeping me sane.