Hi guys,
Thought I'd do a check in, to see how people are.
I'm back from hospital now-and calmed down a bit. So, thought I'd let you know I'm back!
The endoscopy went horrible-though I did have a surgeon who was just a mardy cow-no other explanation for her. I did have my dietician holding my hand though, to keep me safe from the meaness of the surgeon. To be honest though the problem is, she was a very get down to business, stop being so pathetic and crying, type person. Where as I'm a big wuss, who had been crying most of the day before, right up until the endoscopy. But I got through it, with just a sore throat, and I managed not to have to bite anyone (though came close lol )
My Tobi Ineb feels like it's completely stripped my throat and lungs of anything valuable-though I'm still producing loads of gunk. Thankfully, this is my first and last full month of Tobi. As of Friday, it will be 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. I'm hoping this will give less of a chance to build up and start hurting my lungs and throat, and less of a break for bacteria to grow, and for me to completely get out of routine.
I'm ok though otherwise CF wise. My heads still a bit fuzzy-but it's getting better.
There's my update lol. How is everyone else? Hope you're all ok! What have you been upto? You had a good valentines day? You been enjoying the snow? Fill us in!
Gem x