The psychosocial issues related to living with a chronic illness affect both the people who actually have the illness and those who love them. I think that it is very important that coping skills be taught early to kids with CF, especially now that they are living longer lives and having to cope with adult issues on top of dealing with a life shortening illness.
Here is a list of copying skills that I wish my boyfriend had been taught early, instead of trying to learn now.
1) Positive self talk (I.E.: I am a bright and wonderful person, I bring good things to this world and good things come my way)
2) Relaxation techniques (deep breathing exercises, use of imagery and meditative/prayer activities)
3) Knowledge that asking for help is okay, seeking information from others is okay, and being proactive in health management is empowering.
4) Living a full and rich life is a right of all people including those with chronic disease. It is not cruel to let people love you just because you don't want them to have to 'watch you suffer and die'. Individuals will make their own choices about what they can/can't handle and adult relationships may cause heartbreak, but that is part of living a quality life no matter who you are.
5) More detailed information regarding reproduction, genetic counseling, communication skills, and knowledge about the grief process and ways to navigate it.
I hope that this information is helpful to you. There are numerous books and web sites that give more detailed information about some of the skills I mentioned above.