Hi Jodi how are you doing today? We have not yet gotten to talk or meet any one from our clinic so I am very greatfull to be able to talk with you.All we have had is what the Dr's tell us and what we read on the net and in books it's all very scary because you just don't know how it's going to affect them.My husband trys to keep me thinking positively saying he will be just fine there is nothing to worry about
,but it's very hard to believe.I am having a hard time, I just want to sit and hold him all the time
I have to keep reminding myself Ihave a family to take care of and I can't let this run our lives I just have to make it part of our lives and give him the best life we can. I just don't want him to be sick I don't want him to have to go through this I wish I could make it go away! Does Bailee have a hard time going to the bathroom since she started the enzymes? Conner used to go 6 or 7 times a day now it's only 1 or 2 he seems so uncomfortable.Our dr. says it's normal, but the books says breast feed babies poop alot and I know my daughter did.I just wish I knew what the normal was. Thanks for the advise on the vitamins it did take alot longer to give but at least he wasn't gaging as badly.