Very good check-up yesterday! He has gained 2 lbs. - now weighs 58lbs. PFT's 87% (fev1). The doc. says the white patches are due to hyper pigmentation and that it is more noticeable in the summer time (because of the skin tanning).
He had a throat swab, my son does NOT like throat swabs, he would rather give blood than have a throat swab (anyone else's children this way)?
Anyway, hope everyone else is doing well. Last day of school is today for my boys. One graduated high school, one is in junior high and the youngest is in elementary school. Oh and my oldest (daughter) just got accepted to OU Health Sciences Center, she is pursuing a career as an OT.
Faith/Tricia - I think the hair on tummy is normal - everyone is different - some people are just "hairier" than others. I thought I read somewhere it is due to hormones?
"When in doubt, ask your health care provider".