I am almost 20 now, but I was diagnosed at six weeks. As such, I am not sure what specific challenges my parents faced when I was that young. However, it is extremely important that your child be up to date on all her immunizations and gets a flu shot every year, as immune system function is slightly to severely deficient in those with CF.
If possible, make sure that the humidity in your home is under control and that you keep your little girl in moderate temperatures, even to this day high temperatures bother me, but it is the humidity that is the worst. People with CF are not able to absorb the same amount of oxygen from each breath they as are people without CF, and the humidity worsens this symptom.
Also, through the process of breathing more, coughing and clearing airways, people with CF burn a lot more calories than those without. By some estimates, we need to eat six times more. So, make sure that she is getting proper nutrition. Ask your doctor what the best delivery method is, I used to take ensure drinks but my condition has bettered since then. This nutrition is important to store up fatty reserves and a sufficient immune system to battle off such illness as pneumonia, and even the common cold.