I'm not sure what to put to be honest. So if you wanna know anymore and stuff, just ask, and email if you want. My email address should be on my profile somewhere.
I was diagnosed with CF at the age of 2 years old. I wasn't putting on any weight, and had fatty stools. I was diagnosed just before my brother was born, so he got tested right away, and it was found that he had CF aswell.
Life was ok, nice and simple and pretty healthy until age 11: These are the bugs I had from diagnosis:
Constant stream of Staph A until I was 11.
Then I got Psudomonas to go along with it.
Got rid of the Psudo almost straight away, spent another 3 years without it.
Spent the next 2 years (until I was 16) Still with Staph, but also being attacked a few times by Aspergillus (which got me diagnosed with ABPA), Psudomonas, Haemophilus Influenza, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.
When I was 19, I was officially diagnosed as been colonized with psudomonas.
From being 18, all the rest of the bugs had stopped attacking, and only Psudomonas stuck around. Even my Staph had gone away.
In the last few months I've been getting Staph again.
I've had my fair share of hospital appointments and visits. I didn't cope well with shared care between hospitals, and much preferred it just going to an ordinary CF unit, even though it is 2 hours away. While I hate the wards in my hospital though, it's my only choice at the moment, as it's dangerous for me to do home IV's. Although for my last stay, I was totally self-medicating, which went very well.
I find living with CF hard, made harder by raised CPK levels, which is currently stood at me having some form of Muscular Dystrophy, until they get the full results from a muscle biopsy they took a while ago. I end up feeling guilty that it's not just me having to cope wth my CF, but my boyfriend too.
I'm actually currently waiting for a taxi to take me up to the hospital, as I have stomach ache. I'd usually just let it go away, but I've had it for a few months, and Paul (the boyfriend) has been so worked up about it, he's had a panic attack yesterday at work, due to stress. Meaning I now have to go have it checked out
My treatment annoys me, there's far too much, it consits of:
Creon 10,000 at meal times, flucloxacillin, sertraline, salbutamol, vitamins A,D and E, Ursodeoxychloric acid, Colostin(promixin/colomycin) INeb nebuliser, domperidone, omeprazole, fresubin, seretide and physio therapy using a PEP mask.
Erm, I hope this is the sort of stuff you wanted. I wasn't sure.
I could talk about my CF and everything for ages,if I had a subject to start it on