nannavera said...Hi ,
thanks for reply, i am finding it hard to find my way around the boards , well trying to find posts that i have wrote , what i have to do is , look for a page what has members names on the bottom of the page and than when i see my name i click on it and see the posts , is that the way you have to do it or is there another way? {lol can you tell i am a beginner on PC ].
i have noticed when ever jess is in the water , {she loves helping me with washing -up lol} or in the bath , her little hands and feet are so wrinckly ,ont of your members said that her's do that and she said it was a symptom of her CF , why is that?? as i have not come across it yet also cepatia i think that is the word what is that ?? please can anyone let me know them and what they are ,thank - you very much .
from Vera
Hello Vera. Just click on your highlighted name (or anyones) and the function will appear to see what their posts have been. You must be logged in to access this.
My son's hands and feet are always wrinkly. Even when he doesn't get them wet or is sweating (although they are more prominent than) he also has hyperlineated lines on his hands and feet.