What are the things you just HAVE to take into hospital that you can't live without?
So far, I have a list of:
Everything pink in the house including a nice 2 week set of pink clothes- reason being pink is my happy colour. If everything around me is pink, I'm less likely to have a huge bout of depression while I'm in.
PS1- I'd take my PS2, but they just get nicked. My laptop has a higher chance of survival in my room, because it's easy to conceal and it doesn't leave my site. A PSone just won't get nicked, and if anyone is sad enough to take it, it's only about £10 (about $20) these days to get a new one.
about 5 nice thick books. I love reading so much.
Cheap MP3 player- They tend to get a bashing when Im in hospital, as it comes with me everytime I leave the ward.
Hospital sanitizer- I'm sad enough to actually have a bottle of this stuff. I could give it them back, but it's not easy to get hold of, and I can make sure everythings super clean in the CF kitchen, before using it.
A pen, handy for filling in menu's, and also a good tool when mega boredom kicks in and you decide doodling on paper towels is more fun and takes less concentration than anything else.
Some microwave meals, for when hospital fod is just a bit further than you'd like to push your stomach.
Perfume, lots of it- For when your on Ceftazadime (AKA cat wee on our unit). The stuff stinks, and it's almost a gurantee if you get dressed just before IV's are due, you wil have to change because ceftaz has decided to be evil, and spray everywhere. Also good just before you go home on the last day, if you also have a cat. Otherwise you'll get in, and the cat will just attach to you like a magnet. Even my cat can't tell the difference between ceftazadime and cat wee.
So any other must haves?