My 11 year old niece was diagnosed with CF .
The thing is she has not had any symptoms as far as lungs at all.
She is very small for her age and she had a prolapsed rectum.
The Doc. decide to do a sweat test.
The doc and everyone else did not expect a positive result.
They are doing and 2nd sweat test and genetic blood test early next week.
This is freaking everyone out.
The Doc is not a CF specialist. She her rectal doc.
She said this was just her understanding and not final.
She said that she think Catie has a very mild form and that this looks good for he future prognosis.
Now my question?
Is there such a thing as mild CF that effects only the digestive system and does not effect the lungs?
Or is the start and has effected her size and her rectum now but could and will effect her lungs as thing progress.
We are also in the dark and ignorance is maddening at this point.
Any thought will be greatly appreciated.
Oh yeah my nick name is form a video game called Halo...
Yes I am a 48 year old geek who plays a video game on line with bunch of other old farts from the US, Canada, Europe and Australia...
It is ok you can wife does...
Thanks Mark AKA SnotGun