Hello hazer,
People with CF are usually on the same or similar base medications throughout life. Things will get added and removed and doses will be changed as gypsy grows. I wouldn't say that the amount of medication or even the type of medication is a big significance to how Gypsy is doing.
Lungfunction tests, height and weight and chest x-rays are the only real way too tell. But, even then, you could have a high lungfunction, but feel awful, or a low lung function and feel as if you could take on the world. Same for any of the tests really. CF is really unpredictable.
Not sure why we look younger than we are, there's no actual research done, it's just something we noticed. I speak to people online and have a few hospital friends my age, and we all look young for our ages.
I have heard from others about how they were given the same options as you, and told it would be better if they had their child adopted out. It makes no sense too me, as if they don't think you, the mother, who will have the closest bond and love too this child, would be able too care for them, then why suggest passing them onto someone else. Crazyness!
The problem we had, was our Primary School Headteacher, wasn't going to allow us too start school there, and said we had to go too a special school. Thankfully my mum stuck this one out, there is no way I'd have got the grades I did get if I'd done what the head said.
I have bad mood swings too, I do my best to cover up though. There are 2 people who can see through any false smiles or barriers I put up, and they are my CF nurse and Psychiatrist. It's good that someone can understand, but I get mad that I can't keep any sadness too myself.
Haha, I wish I could still be in bed, waking up at this time is just wrong!
Have physio today, which is why I'm up so early. Medicar comes at 8! Having a low day myself today, hopefully physios are in a nice mood!