Hey guys and gals
Just stopping by to promote nebuliser training.
If you ever get a chance to have proper training from a neb on how to use your neb most effeciently-take it!!
I thought it was just gonna be a waste of time-I thought, I know good enough how to use my neb-even though it regularly induces coughing fits when I do use it-it never occured to me, that it was my technique that was the problem, rather than the Tobi (always blame the medication first lol-it's easier ).
Anyway-I use an Ineb, and have just nebbed Saline in 2 minutes. Tobi might take a little longer as it's a bit thicker-but it shouldn't take much longer done right. I've also being told some useful info-that you should take Tobi out of the fridge 20-30 minutes before use, as at room temperature it's slightly less thick, and therefore easier to get through the fine mesh of the nebuliser. It's also spreads better once in the lungs.
Lol, I just feel like I've been fed a fountain of knowledge about nebs. So thought I'd pass on that having training is very good! Much better than what my physios and pharmascist have ever told me.
I definately am a fan of reduced, more beneficial treatment times lol.