My name is Kathy and I am new to this forum chat. I am a parent of twins (9) who both have CF. I might can answer some things for you. These are some signs of CF. Sticky mucous and possibly respiratory distress. Weightloss (as in starvation appearance). Digestive problems with distended belly. Bowel movements will not look normal if not on digestive enzymes and may even appear orange and greasy, if your stool floats its fatty. All mutations of CF are different and can have a difference in symptoms.
Let me say that, a sweat chloride test is only a little over 100.00, in most states, so, it would be worth your time and money to find out if you do have it. But, by now...your doctor would have for sure recognised other symptoms to help rule this out.
Best of luck, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
If there is a cure for CF found, you would hear this twins mom across AMERICA.....YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!.