Hi everyone! I am 21 years old with Cystic Fibrosis. I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when I was born. Just recently I was diagnosed with borderline diabetes, so basically I just watch what I eat for the most part. Also, a year ago I was diagnosed with sinisitus. As I am getting older I seem to be having more problems and I wanted feedback on what everyone is doing to stay healthy. Also, do you feel that zithromax works? Does anyone know of any other medicines besides the Tobi inhalation and the Cipro that helps with pseudomonas? Does anyone take any holistic drugs such as herbal teas to help with preventing a lot of mucus buildup? Is anyone in college? Do you find that when you work, it causes you to become sick? Medicines and treatments that I am on:
-6 enzymes with meals and 5 with snacks
-my vest at least an hour and 20 min. a day(it definitely helps to get the goodies up) :)
-Tobi a month on and a month off
-Saline Solution(for my sinuses)
-Sodium Chloride inhalation
Yes, sometimes I feel like a walking pharmacy.
I hope everyone is doing well! Look forward to hearing from you guys! I know I asked a lot of questions...if anyone has any for me feel free to ask. :)