Hello every one,
we just have a baby boy 2 weeks ago and state of Virgina blood screeing test result came as abnormal for CF. I have been reading all about CF last few days and I need to know
abnormal CF level, does that mean he has CF? could be inactive? , what are the steps we should take? we have a sweat test 2 weeks later, as I understood if the sweat test is positive we need to have a genetic DNA test to undersand what kind of he has.
what kind of lab we should go ?
he just born may be it is early but everything seems normal with him. anything to wacth early days?
seems like doctors does not know too much about CF. What kind of questions we should ask to our doctor?where is the best lab and hospital to cope with CF.
thanks and good luck to deal with this terrible disease, people needs to be warn before even getting married about CF. we could not even enjoy our first born baby may be the last one
thanks again