I think that what Shy is trying to say is simply that you need to talk to your doctor about it. It could be a part of depression or it could be something like fibromyalgia. If morphine isn't helping you, there are other types of help. This could be due to stress and your muscles are tense. They tighten up to the point that you are in severe pain. If the pain is mainly in your neck and shoulders, it is tension. The only way to get rid of the pain is to relax that area. Try some deep breathing techniques. Or try picturing your musles relaxing. Often you have to tighten them up to realize how it feels for them to relax. Some types of depression have pain involved. So like Shy said, you really need to talk to your doctor about it, they are the only ones that can help you with this problem.
Keeping you in my thoughts, let us know how it goes with the doctor. We are here for you in any way that we can be, but when it comes to pain like you are explaining, you need medical advise.