Hello! I'm new to this so I'm not exactly sure how this works but I need some advice. I'm only fourteen years old, young I know. Well, I think I need some help. I don't know for sure if I'm 'depressed', well, I'm almost certain I'm not. But I think there is something that should be done. and I sort of have a very slight eating disorder (but the eating is hardly anything to worry about).
The only problem is that I can't say I'm depressed because it's not a constant thing. At night times though, and when I'm alone, I just get so...hopeless! I'm in the middle of this really stressful friendship situation which sounds harmless but it is causing me so much stupid pain. Maybe someone can relate to this: I feel stupid for wanting help because there are loads of people who have it so much worse. Some who read this are probably clinically depressed and might think I'm just faking! (You have my sympathy. My sister is clinically depressed and I imagine it is extremely tough). I'm really not trying to look for attention though (i've been told that I do that).
I just don't want to feel hopless at the time I do and I don't want to cut myself. I sometimes sit in my french class seeing my old best friends chatter and I'll cut myself with a pen cap, in the middle of class. It's just scaring me! I DON'T want to end up in a bad place, lower than how I am now. I've been lower than this and when I look back on it I'm amazed I lived! I don't want to be like that again.
The main concern though is that my sister in the past has told my mom I was depressed (which honeslty at the time I might have been). My mom asked me about it but ended saying, "I think you're not depressed. I think you're taking after your ssiter (who cuts by the way) and you're just a hormonal teenager." Yeah, so obviously after that I was scared to tell anyone about anything. I've been in counseling but I always felt that my counselor thought I was faking. Also, I cut myself for the first time BEFORE I found out about my sister.
Well, basically that's everything. I want help, and I want to be happy! I just need some way of asking. Or maybe someone knows a way that I could help myself? Thanks for listening.
Post Edited By Moderator (getting by) : 4/23/2008 10:02:57 PM (GMT-6)