This advice you're getting on the forum is what you should follow.
So many people still think it is a matter of self-control,which it is not !!!! I had a good childhood but inherited my dad's genes for depression. Even as a child I was sad at times but didn't say anything.
I am a retired woman and I just started an anti-depression medicine and was taken off an anti-stress pill. I am not going to tell you my story because you are in such pain - but know that others understand you, that is why they are on the forum. Stay on the forum if you possibly can-and by all means, call the help places suggested by your moditor.
Lack of Money is the cause of so much violence because people are desperate and go to excessive drinking and dope. And this is a particularly hard time for Americans in this failing economy with so many out of work due to the negative economy of the country.
I will try to think of some suggestions of agencies to call. In the meantime, do 1. stay on the board 2. call the places suggested to you by people on the board.
Whatever you, do, never neglect the children.
All love to you and positive thoughts