Confusedi is right, people dont always know what to say, recently a very close friend of my suddenly doesnt want to be my friend anymore, and i am not quite sure why, she hasnt told me, she just wont take my calls, or call me back. She has problems of her own, but we would always listen to each others
problems toghether, as some of them were very similiar.
Having friends is a two way thing, i thought I was listening to her as well, maybe I wasnt. i may never know.
I do have one other close friend now, and we support each other, as I thought I was doing with theother friend. i am having a very difficult time overcoming that loss of freindship, I guess it will just take time, time does have a way of healling. Not forgetting, but at least some healling, hasnt been long enough for me to heal yet. still waiting on time to kick in. Its hard when you lose a close friend, especially when you dont know why.
I do listen to my other friend, and she me. So I think its reasonable for freinds to listen to each other, not onesided, freindship should be reciprocated. In my opionion, so I dont think your asking too much from friends, even if they dont what to say, the support should be there....