Good Morning
Here are a few tips about Depression I thought might help some of our members, newbies and veterans.
1. Catch it as early as you can the longer you wait for proper treatment the worse it gets
2. Find away to effectively communicate with your doctor - if you are uncomfortable talking about something then write it down - my "journal" I would hand over at the beginning at the session he would read whatever I wrote since the previous one, we would discuss any trends or triggers then how we were going to deal it. Telling your doctor you had a bad month is not going to get you anywhere
3. Recognize any sort of patterns that seem to effect your mood. Every time I do whatever this happens so next time I am going to do this instead.
4. Find something that gives you joy no matter what it is and try to make sure you do it when ever possible - some people like to draw or paint or write or go for walks/hikes. With the war with depression its gets very easy to forget the good things
5. Don't do it alone. Males have this problem more than females Find a close friend to confide in, utilize sites like this one, involve medical personnel. The last person a depressed person should be taking advice from is themselves due to the simple reason depression clouds their vision
6. The second you can not convince yourself that your NOT a threat to yourself or others get to a hospital, call a hotline, or 911.
Please feel free to add your own tips.