Spent the whole weekend with my friend from Scotland. He came down here for his birthday.
Met him from the train station Friday at 10pm, then we went for a pint before heading home........Me very drunk.....On just a pint of 4% pear cider!
Played Singstar, exchanged prezzies. He was very happy with his random cuddly banana I had bought him.
Saturday went out too our other mates who lives close by. Spent all night talking about
wrestling (he's a wrestler, and a very gentle giant) While he cooked us some lovely food on the BBQ.
Sunday, we went for a chinese meal, then went too station with Mark too say goodbye. I miss him, but so happy we spent the weekend with him. He doesn't get chance too come down too often as rain fair is a nightmare, and last time we saw him was in Feb.
Went too Scope on Monday for my mentor training. They've requested another mentor for me. 4 weeks into a 6 week course and they already have 2 people lined up for me. They've also asked me too help with a numeracy course, and a disability awareness day. They also want me too design some little pictures that can be printed out for a card making course they're doing.
Going to another social group on Friday. Which sounds good, and impressive. I remember clearly stating last year, 'you will not get me near a social group, even if you gave me a million quid'. This was too my psychiatrist. This social group I am going too becasue I want too. What a differnce a year makes!!
I've just been so busy, it's getting hard too find time too be sad, which is a good thing.
Also got a new tattoo, 2 pairs of shoes, a few games and lots of good/fresh food. Enough too make me feel good and special.
Also, having too cancel hospital appointments too make room for this busy life I'm suddenly leading. I've never had any reason too cancel hosp appointments before. It's nice to realise I'm suddenly not at there beck and call anymore, and they will have too fit around me for a change.
Now, I'm off too go make spaghetti and meatballs with some ostrich meat we got earlier