Hello everyone/anyone...
I've never done this before, been too scared to to be honest, afraid of what people might think... I'm getting desperate though...
I am 19 and I have been desperately lonely, unhappy and driven by guilt for about 6 weeks. I used to live with my Dad for 18 years, then I got tired with living with him and so moved out. I moved out maybe for about 7 months. My Mum left when I was 9 but I stayed in touch always and we had a great relationship. Then about 7 weeks ago Mum moved back in while my Dad moved out, so I decided to move back home. Only now I'm suffering from intense guilt, everything feels like my fault here. I have 3 siblings who are my age and I feel like I'm competing with them to win Mum's affection. Then half the time I try to snap out of it, I feel silly for even feeling guilt like this because it's totally irrational and based on paranoia. But as soon as I'm alone I have to battle with my head, keep it under control otherwise I lose myself. I think I've cried more in this last month than my entire life. It just feels like it will never go away. In 2 months time I'm going to University, it's my only hope, the thing that makes me live each day. I can't wait to get to University but I am terrified that I will still be like this then, I don't want to crumble, especially as I've worked hard to achieve my goal. Someone help, give me some insight...
I've wanted to go to the doctors for weeks: I find myself at my worst during the evening and mid afternoon. The doctors here require you to make an appointment in the morning. Every night I promise to make that phonecall to get the help I need, but every morning I invariably feel miles better than I did in the night and never make the call. Only to regret it later on in the day. I'm also afraid that Mum will find out I'm going to the doctors for these reasons, nothing feels sacred with me anymore.
Appreciate any feedback, I feel so lost at the moment...
Edit: I gave your thread a title............Kitt
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 7/21/2008 8:58:05 AM (GMT-6)