That is agoo idea to just get out for awhile, if it wsnt for the animals, i would stay away for along while. You deserve time for your self. Are you taking any sleeping pills besides the pain pills to get some rest. I take some restoril occcsionally when i cant sleep. I was real sick this week and for two nigts there i has no sleep at all, i was so tired during the day i was shaking nasueted, coldnt keep anything down, i still havent caught up on my sleep. the day i stared feeling better that morning i slept til noon i was that tired.
You got to have your rest or wont be able to cope with anything thats going on, you need to sleep.
Do whatever it takes to sleep, even if you have to take a nap duing the day.
I know your scared to see the specialist, but you need to, I saw my gastro today and i have to be completley honest with him, i was coughing up blood , butif was vomiting p blood he would have to scope me again, i didntwant to do that. we both beleive i have some sorta flu bug, frst the smomach and nasea and now head cold. when my sinuses get to me they bleed, so i knew it was not coming from my stomach. The ast time i saw him i was voming up blood, he said if i was still he ws going to rescope me, so i feel better that that there was no blood in vomit this week. iw s feeeling good up until this week, I think he upped my protonix to thre tims a day, for gerds.
Im always nervous when i go into the doctor, but everyone was real nice and persnable.
I hope you specialist is like this to, what kinda specialist are you seeing, you probably wrote it in another post and i missed it.
Get rest any way you can, were all prayingfor you, im srrry your family is treating you unkindlyto say the least, once you rested go smewhere, mayb if you do go to a friends houe or motel you would get a goood nights sleep. i pray you do...