Right - a few more words about me...
I'm a 37 year old female. I've had one massive bout of depression in my twenties where I read loads of books on the market and spoke to people, doing anything to stay of meds and got "through" (although I now know that I didn't, I just got clever at masking things). In April this year the darkness descended again to the point where alarm bells rang with me in July when I thought for the first time that I did not really want to be here anymore. After another three similar episodes and a "routine" blood pressure check at work showing a high range of three separate readings I was referred to my GP to discuss the said readings which were registering consistently around 199 / 97 - a bit high for a fit individual!
I knew the underlying reasons were going to be depression and so used the reading as a trigger to explain all to a nurse practitioner followed rapidly by an emergency consultation with my GP after a standard mental health survey scored my well into the bounds of a major depressive episode. So, here I am 2 weeks down the line into citalopram and on the rocky road to some sort of stabilisation.
I feel a little as if I blagged the doctor yesterday when I genuinly felt loads better than those 14 days ago as today I am way back down the scale again. However, I've found this forum - a massive step and also a real help to me already - and I'll utilise all help there is.
As my family are in the dark to my situation (my mum, sister and brother all have depressive tendencies) I need this..
Thanks for listening