Posted 11/30/2008 10:00 PM (GMT 0)
If we did not live so far a part,I would love to come over and get you Motivated, and started with your Christmas decorating.I love to decorate, and always have.I guess that is why Christmas is my favorite time of the year.My husband tell me every year, that I should hire myself out to help others decorate, as he thinks I do a really great job at it.I inherited the decorating part from my mother.I guess you have to have the right decorations to decorate with.I still have decorations that I had from my first marriage way back in 1967.They are still in good shape.I actually have enough to decorate to trees and two rooms.If my family was actually completed,I would decorate down there as well, but it is not done yet, so it will have to wait.
My depression is what got me motivated to decorate.I knew that I had to clean my house, and I was a lone as my husband was over to my daughters, where he stayed after his eye surgery, until I brought him home Thanksgiving Day.So I figured, if I am going to clean really good than why not put the Christmas Tree up at the same time, and clean up my mess as I went along.It took me two days, but I was determined to get it down.You too, can do it if really want to.
I too, hope that he will be feeling up to par, as far as enjoying the festivities that go a long with Christmas.My family usually gets together a someones house Christmas morning to have a small brunch like and exchange gifts.As well as celebrate my older grand daughters birthday, which falls on Christmas Eve, and now her son,(our great son),who's birthday falls on the 27th of December.My younger son has a birthday on the 12th, of December.It may be held here at my place this year.Maybe just juice, coffee, other drinks and donuts.Can't afford to go all out this year.My older grand daughter will be 23, her son will be 1 year, and my younger son will be 33.Maybe I will have me hubby fix some kind of a danish if he feels like it and make it like a birthday cake for the three of them.
You can get into the mood, just keep reading my forum e-mails over and over and you will get there.The season goes by to fast to wait to long to put the Christmas Tree and the decoration up.If you wait to long, you will not have time to really enjoy them.You have been there for me, as well as Karen, so for me, write me a few days and let me know that you have decorated and you are in the Christmas mood.I will look forward to hearing from you between now and next weekend, telling me that you have got motivated, by what I have said.After all,I am the one that is supposed to be down and have no energy.