CuteNLost , my best advice is to try aerobics, I am sure there is a center near you, any excersize activity is very good for both your migrane and your emotional stress. I'm 99% sure it will help you, try going 3 to 4 times a week, I fought depression with sport activities a few years ago it worked, I'm trying to go back now as I speak I'm planing to go and get subscribe to a gym near me tomorerow.
I feel the same feelings as you, I have trouble getting to sleep or waking up.. I feel terrible about
myself, I want you to know your not alone here, there are others like you out there, and we are fighting it. your not alone remember that.. I also have my dark side that tells me my life is needless.. my life is a total mess that I'm trying to fix it but I'm having a very tough fight every single day.
I find it very comforting to speak to a very close friend or relative, I know you don't want to hurt them but they are your close friends and relatives they are your backbone. I personally like to talk to my uncle and his wife, because they really listen to me and usually make good suggestions for me to try. talking to someone closer like my mum or dad doesn't usually help, you have to try for yourself and see which person works for you but speak out don't do this alone..
opening up is crucial...
ohh and before you try to sleeping don't do any type of stimulating activity such as cybersex or internet, try reading a book or listening to some relaxing music, try
Animal instinct by crabberries it's my #1 relaxing song :)
lastly try any therapy you can afford even if it's not speaking to the same person every time, they are the experts they know more about
depression than us. afterall it's their speciality and you'v got nothing to loose by trying.