Sleeping very well but arise early and hate this as I use sleep during th day to escape. maybe this will force me into action. Ihad a little lesss morning anxiety and know that it will pass as the day wears on.
I still feel out of place living with my fiancee. I do love her but find it very hard to express it. I feel so blunted and hope this gets better, An example of the blunting is this:
My beloved neice who I love like a child of my own had a baby a few months ago ( a beautiful girl Sadie) and while pleased she had the child, i felt nothing of joy! This is so hard to accept. I pray that life takes on new meaning. more to the point-Just meaning! I feel so pointless and useless right now.
I carry on life in the hopes it will get better. I know it will as God is good and I need to be of value again.