I used to be an Oncology nurse and have also lost several close loved ones to cancer. I myself had a partial mastectomy at 13- not something i usually share- it was benign. but my point is, i live with chronic physical illness and chronic pain daily and sometimes the best thing you can do is get into therapy and really talk your feelings through. even a short course of antidepressants might help.
you made it through a tough time and this current part of your journey may seem scary, but remember that you are a survivor with so much to offer the world. you are valuable, loved and worthy of happiness. is there any way to alleviate your current symptoms in regards to sinus etc?
I understand what you mean when you ask about living with no joy in your life as i have felt that way for years, but that negative thinking has to go so you can move on and reach your full potential.
Please stay with us and keep us posted. Your remission is truly a blessing.
Much love to you, Duck
Maz XX