air said... as for a problem with alcohol I could use help on that too maybe me and alcohol sometimes isnt my best friend at one time I almost got kicked outta school for being drunk, I have been behind the wheel totally drunk I almost lost a job for being drunk well buzzed and also a couple of weeks ago i got pissed off for no reason being drunk I just need to look at myself and wonder what i am doing wrong maybe I just need to go about quitting for good
You just answered your own question. By the information you have given, you have a problem with alcohol. Drink driving, being drunk at work, getting 'p**ssed' just to be drunk- these are all serious signs that you need to not only recognise, but respond to quickly.
Im sorry, I absolutely do want you to get help and am really glad you are here, but I have zero tolerance for drink driving.
Please seek professional help- its great that you seem to be acknowledging a problem with alcohol abuse, but now you need to back that up with seeing a doctor, counsellor, or meetings, online AA- whatever it takes to rid you of your apparent need for alcohol.
If you are already depressed, drinking will only make this worse as alcohol is a depressant. I dont mean to sound harsh- but I have lost friends to people who knowingly chose to drink and drive and I find it hard to understand an adult choosing to get behind the wheel whilst inebriated.
I really do wish you all the best and hope you are able to start taking some positive steps forward- and i do applaud you for realising that as you say- "alcohol is not your best friend." Hang in there- I wish you all the best, and we are here to help you on your journey as best we can.
Maz XX