Hi Rosebud! I'm so glad you are feeling better today. Even if it is a bit of mania. The lift from that sometimes helps when you come down. Just keep on looking ahead to better times. They are there. It just takes a lot of patience and trial and error to find the right stuff! I've been fooling around with all this stuff for more years than I care to count and still haven't found my magic potion. But, I know it's there somewhere. And science is pushing ahead again so maybe something will come along tomorrow that could solve my problems.
In reply to your OP, people are just plain cruel and mean when they don't understand things. You have 2 choices; educate or ignore them. I can guarantee you that if any of them had been through what you have medically, they'd be in a far worse mental state than you are. You are one tough lady to make it through all of that and not only survive, but really want to live! I tip my hat to you. Use a bit of that same toughness with the folks that are cruel to you. Just ignore them. It used to hurt me, but it doesn't bother me anymore. When people say something derogatory about my mental state, I usually look them right in the eye and tell them, "Yes, I am crazy and I have papers to prove it!". That generally shuts them up fairly quickly. If they start asking a lot of questions (and I'm not referring to the people who are really trying to understand), I ask them why they want to know. Then I toss is a little comment like, "Are you afraid you're going off the deep end too?" We are who and what we are. I've long ago accepted this is my life. So, I fool around with other people's heads sometimes when they are asking for it. I never get mean, but I turn it back on them whenever I have the opportunity. It really makes them think twice about how they are treating you and they become a lot nicer to deal with afterwards. The point is to make them think, not to be evil or mean.