Hi ya, I'm completely new to this and I'm so happy I've found this site.
I don't know really how to start this or how exactly a can explain myself.
It might not be fair to say that I'm depressed as I've never been diagnosed, I'm 17, when I was alot younger I went through a certain phase of depression, I feel ever since its been something I've carried with me, maybe because I was so young when I began to feel that way. I was abel to talk to someone when I was gone 13 on a one to one basis for a while which I wish I could do now.
I don't feel I can talk to anyone, I'd feel like I'm being really dramatic if I do.
I wont go into much more detail right now, but lately and its been so sudden to happen I've felt such feelings of worthlessness, emptyness, disgust for myself, I have no confidence. I'm even becoming paronoid about
silly things. I'm constantly thinking about
what people are thnking about
me (Which is something I have never done before) and I never feel good enough for anyone or anything. I feel utterly useless. I can even see these feelings having an effect on my apparence, black bags under my eyes even though I sleep loads (Again I've never had this before).
I'll stop rambeling on.
I'm sorry for boring the heads of everyone but if anyone can help or tell me am I over reacting I would be very greatful.
xxxxxxxx Thank you