Actually I still grieve everyday for that one special man who will never be far from my heart or mind. believe in signs and faith and over the weekend I did get a glimpse of him. Actually twice in the same day. On his motorcycle with his wife on hers. It is hard to explain how that felt but I guess in my own little world I was so happy just to see him. I love and miss him more than words can say but until a miracle and faith come together, I will get by until I can see him face to face. I will never stop grieving for this man.
The fellow that I date is a comfort zone. Doesnt spend alot of time with me because he bought a house that really needs work so he is there alot. The weird thing about this house is that it is down the street from his mom's house in Alliance. Actually her road dead-ends at a stop sign and I cant help but wonder when a car passes if it is the family I miss so much.
My health is still bad and my bruising has started again. I see the one doctor this week.
My friend is still staying with me and it is extremely stressful, you have no idea!! She doesnt want to get help and she just is saying how awful she has made her and her son Travis's life. It is really hard to stay positive with her and now I see how people felt in my life. My son is out of school and will be spending alot of time with me. He and Travis get along so well, geremiah is growing up so fast and maturing into a great little man.
Well I have to go, keep praying for me.