Hi, new here. One week ago I began a new treatment called TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation. Basically, they hook you up at the temple to a magnetic strip, which is controlled by an MRI type machine. For anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes, you receive strong pulses, which feel like hard "pecks" to your head, followed by 30 seconds of rest, then the pulses start again. It is uncomfortable, actually moreso than I had expected. You receive 30 treatments, every day for 6 weeks straight. This was FDA approved several years ago, but few people get it, because few insurance cos. cover it. It is not shock treatment or even similar. It is done outpatient. My depression was very bad, rock bottom. I had been suicidal in the past. This was a last ditch effort for me. I keep trying to find others who have had it but no luck really. It is costing me $10,000. As you can imagine I would have to be at the end of my rope to do this without ins. covering. If anyone else has had it or has thought about
it, please put it out there. Thanks.