I had it really bad, went to the psych emergency ward, and they immediately admitted me to a closed department. I was locked up for about
five days. Since then, I take Mirtazapin, and I regularily see a therapist. Have seen her for over a year, now. She sort of tells me that I won't be able to attend her therapy as often as before. I'm a Swede, so the government pays for most of it, which also gives them the right to kick me out.
To make a long story short, this is how I am today. I just can't stop crying. I watch a film, and something in it triggers it. I read a book, and something I read triggers it. I don't know whether that is a sign of health or whether I am going back to the closed ward again. It hurts like hell, but somehow I don't think it's back to the slammer...
My therapist has made me realize that I have been depressed since I was a small boy. My father was a genuine pig, a real swine. I just never understood that the treatment me and my siblings recieved was undeserved. I always reckoned myself as a loser, as not deserving better. In a way, I still do. I was never popular with women, never really succeeded at work. Perhaps I never let myself be successful? Be that as it may, I feel so confused, so hopelessly confused.
Then again, those tears I shed, they hurt like hell, my whole body shudders. If that's healing, is it worthwhile? I'm not entirely convinced it is...
Like someone said, I don't want to die, I just don't want to live. Or do I?