So I started this new job, been there for a week so far. Anyway, I live with Dad and have been since I was young and I'm now 27. So I went into work today to find out what my shifts were, I have been given 3 shifts x 5 hours each day.
How do these stupid employers expect a 27 year old to support himself? I pay half the rent, I also have a mobile phone bill coming up and ill be clearing just over 250 a week. Now this is in Australia, anyone that lives here will tell you that its poor income.
I think I'm on the vurge of having a nervous breakdown, since I turned 21 everything went down hill and I can't seem to catch back up.
People tell me, can't Dad help you out? No sorry it doesn't work like that, all hes worried about is his retirement. I pay half the bills and took home 185 bucks last week and he brings home 75k a year? Yeah work that out.
We use to be close and get along like mates, but now i'm starting to really hate him. He never listens to my drama, you know I try stay positive all the time and be nice to people even after I get treated poorly.
My guts are so sore and I don't know why, I just feel so darn empty and I am starting to really just lose interest (not like that ofcourse).
Just can't see the future getting better, had 6 years of financial hell and it isn't improving. If they told me to begin with that they were going to just give me 3 shifts, I wouldn't have even bothered taking the job.
I think i'm going to end up yelling at someone on Wednesday, for their incompetence and thinking a 27 year can afford to live off 250 dollars a week.
My self esteem is so low at the moment, I have no achievements happening and I feel completely useless.
I'm posting here hoping it makes me feel better, but I think I'm just at my wits end and really need some full time employment to get me out of this. There are so many idiots employers out there, starting to think there will be abuse at the next dodgey interview I go to.
Sorry, I am just a little angry at the moment, unfortunately posting here hasn't made me feel better...Lets hope "god" performs a miracle and gets me out of this hole im in.