I wanted to jump in here. I too love this site. It helps to be able to talk to someone with the same issues/understanding.
I have been on Zoloft for years. I decided to get off of it. I want to know that I can deal with life on my own, w/o drugs. I spoke w/ my MD who gave me the taper schedule and I've followed it exactly as he suggested. My symptoms have not been as bad as some of you, but I've had them all to some extent. I'm @ the end of the taper- I should be done in 2 weeks. I'm on 12.5mg every other day. What I'm feeling is weepy, dizzy spells and some headaches. Can anyone tell me how long they experienced side effects after they quit? I'm 63 y/o but far from elderly...I don't want to feel this way. It really puts a crimp in my life.
Thanks for listening and I await your response.