HE'S BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKK! He wouldn't even leave. I thought he had, but he just walked around for about
2 hours. By then I thought I was safe and unlocked the door. Stupid me. And yet again, he's driving me insane. I have sent out some hints to his daughter, and hopefully she will catch on. Now get this, it's a good one! Last night, he accused me of turning off his phone, because it wasn't ringing. I was working in the kitchen, he was, (of course) sitting in the living room at the time. I said where's your phone? On the counter. Ok, I said, mine is in my hand. I'm going to call you, and I'm not going to move from this chair. Paying attention, I asked him. So I dial his number, the phone rings, and I ACTUALLY stayed calm. Just shook my head, and went to bed on the couch. Is he getting dementia? Cuz I ain't going for that. Been there, done that, with my mom. No Way.
Desperate in DSM