She might have Hydrocephalus. I pray she doesn't. But if she does, I think her fiance might be upset. He doesn't exactly like the emotional connection that my friend n' I have had for ten years. Because, If she does have Hydrocephalus, then she n' I will have an indirect physical connection.
In a way he doesn't have to worry. At the beginning of the week, my friend n' I were talking about
our respective health problems and using them as a crutch. She was diagnosed with Leukemia years ago for which she goes to be re-checked every 6-8mos.. The problem with her eyes was taken care of, a long time ago.
With my health problems, they are a daily reminder of what could happen to me. While Leukemia is serious, because of my Hydrocephalus, I can only 'live in the moment'. My shunt could fail at any time. But does that keep me from doing things, it keeps me from working. Not technically, but emotionally. I know that is a hurdle I have to get over. But my first professional job back in 1989, I was fired from, for being too slow. When I worked for the U.S. Gov't(1991-1995), I had to quit from the stress.
I hope she recovers. But the remark about
using my disabilities as a crutch, really hurt.
Despite my disabilities, I ride a road racing bike, in traffic and 'taking the lane'. There are a lot of people who don't ride a bike, and wouldn't take the risks I take. Then there are those who are not disabled and ride a bike, that would not take the risks I do. That certainly is not using my disabilities as a crutch!!!
Post Edited (Chris516) : 7/10/2012 4:16:34 PM (GMT-6)