New to this group. I was diagnosed with soft bipolar myself. I also was given the diagnosis of major depressive disorder; moderate?? So I am not sure what my problem is. Mostly they talk about the bipolar; However, I don't meet the complete criteria so it's called bipolar nos. Not otherwise specified.
I have been taking 1,800 mg. of N Acetyl Cysteine and I can't say enough about this stuff. I will never stop taking this since it is working so well for me.
The biggest improvement is the "clear head" feeling. Before it kind of felt like I had brain fog or an "achy type feeling in my head"
It just clears it up beautifully.
It makes me feel less depressed and that is the best part about it. I have also done CBT group therapy and so I think the combination is great.
I am not on any other prescription medications.
So yes! I do recommend this suppliment. It is fantastic!