Short and simple, depression hit at a young age and i never recovered, it escalated into drug addiction and severe behavioral problems.
Financial problems, relationship problems, personality and self esteem issues. @ 25 years old I knew I needed to seek help.
In the mist of narcotic addiction and suicidal ideation I obtained a Lexapro script
, figured i owed it to my friends and family to at least try and get help before i hung myself. First week I had trouble sleeping, but thats nothing the end of the week people actually were making note of my changed more optimistic clear headed me. It was the first time in a decade that I had a clear depressed free outlook on life and it was amazing, I started taking positive steps in my life almost immedately to follow, detoxed, cleaned up, got a job, apartment, and pretty much a new life.
I took it for 8 months with incredible success , everything was going perfect, new job, promotions, new apartments, rebuilding relationships, rebuilding finances, rebuilding self. and then I stopped taking it under the impression I was healed and no longer needed to medicate. I discovered the withdrawals were quite noticeable. Within stopping the lexapro everything started to go bad, (job, relationships, finances, ect. ect.) spun into a major depression, jobless, broke,suicidal, on the brink, we it hit me....that I really may have a condition and medication is what i need.
So.....4 months later after quitting lexapro...
Im back on Lexapro.
Rebuilding again. =)