Hi, I just joined for the thyroid section and thought I would bring this up here since my Dr tried to treat me for depression when in fact I had thyroid cancer!! I will list some symptoms and if this is not you, skip this post. But if it sounds familar, keep reading!
Tired, insomnia, sleeping all day but can't sleep @ night, rosey red cheeks from birth that never faded, dry brittle hair, lots of hair coming out when brushing/shampooing, carpal tunnel, brittle nails, trouble with weight gain or loss, cold/heat intolerance, moody/cranky, memory loss, soar puffy gums, low potassium, calcium and magnesium, a spike in cholesterol and blood pressure, constipation and stomach issues, lower back pain and soar joints and muscles. If you have several of these issues it would not hurt to have a full panel of thyroid testing done. A TSH test is not enough! My Endocrinologist said this test was an All Around Test and much too vague. Ask for a full panel, T3 T4...whatever they can offer you. Feel of your own throat when you swallow, do you feel knots or does your throat bounce alot when you swallow. My Endo felt my nodule before the biopsy with this test! If you are depressed there is a reason for it, this could be the reason. Never hurts to weed out any other problems. Thyroid is one of the most missed/misdiagnosed conditions there is! Please have it looked into, if I had just taken the depression meds and not asked for the Reverse T3 Test, my cancer would not have been found as soon as it was!I was lucky it hadn't spread beyond the nodule. Men and Women need to look into this. You might be prolonging your own life!