Helo Display:
Do you have a counselor or therapist that you regularily talk to? Having a caring sister with an open ear is good - but I think you could benefit from the professional training of a psychologist.
There's nothing nasty about the term "fear". We all have them. Sometimes though they become out of control - and when they do, a professional can best help you deal with the fears.
Consider a psychologist - in addition to your sister to talk to.
about the cigs .... I stopped a little over three years ago. You can stop - BUT you must really want to! I hope the time comes that you do feel that way.
Read a little about COPD. I have it. It was created by smoking. It is not cureable! Meds can and do help a lot - but they're expensive too - if you're talking about Spiriva and/or Advair! The two combined are close to $600. per month before insurance coverage!
It's great you have a gratitude list.
Peace and wellness
Rob & Gizmo