Hi all! I am a 25 year old female and have been dealing with GAD and panic attacks for a mere 6 months. I was prescribed Lexapro in January of this year and for the first 4-6 weeks, I had my ups and downs. I can't pin point many side effects I had, just that one week would be fine and then the next week be a bit harder. My take on this medication is that it is wonderful because it pulled me from a dark place in my life when nothing or no one else could. I'm on about
my 9th or 10th week of 10mg Lexapro (paired with .25mg of clonazepam) and I'm still feeling confused and dazed like. Should this be happening? I don't have the world's greatest family doctor, but he did prescribe me the Lexapro. I'm am grateful to have found a solution for what I was going through. I'm still in the works with a therapist, if I can find one to settle down with me, and psychiatrist, however those resources in my part of the country, isn't the greatest. I'm looking for some advice from others who have experienced this.
Thanks in advance everyone