Thanks for your replie effie.
Here's a bit more info about me.... i'm 26, i live in southern england and i'm female, i'm gay and live with my partner with whom i'm very much in love and i know she loves me too.
I've had problems with anxiety and depression since i was a child, maybe as young as 7 or 8, this is however, only in hindsight, and of course went undiagnosed. I completed highschool and was glad to leave due to the bullying i was put through there by other students. I started a performing arts course at a local college which i completed, and i think they were pretty good years. Things however began to spiral downwards in 1998. Eventhough I wasn't entirely aware of it at the time.
By 1999, I had had to quit work because i was too ill, began taking overdoses, and was in and out of psychiactric units on a regular basis. To date I have had 12 admissions to units, all because of suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
I was eventually diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, (BPD) which is a diagnosis i 'mostly' agree with!
Anyways, depression and anxiety come with the BPD territory.
The medicines i take are prozac and lorazepam.
I have tried so many different medications it would take me a long time to remember them all let alone list them, but various anti-depressants, anti anxiety, mood stabilisers, sleeping tablets, etc.. you get the gist!
So yeah, anyway, thats a bit more about me.