Well here I am....My story hasn't changed much from my posts on other topics. Quick synopsis: I have been on lexapro 10 to 20 mg's back and forth in combination with clonazopram. Occassionally once switching to zoloft alone and augmenting with zoloft while weaning off of the clonazopram. 20 or 10mgs. of lexapro doesn't seem to make a positive difference. So I have been consistently on the lexapro 10 mgs. for at least 9 months with the augmenting of clonazopram. As mentioned before my depression does not lift much. It stays at mid depression and shifts down into hopeless depression, or irritable feelings. Never happy though. I continue to have quick panics that I breath my way through on occasion; mostly when I hear sirens or people from past traumatic experiences. I see a naturalpath who is 2 hours away; that tries to remedy with supplements with the knowledge of my Med prescriber; but none of that is helping -just the B12 (sort of like injections; but in pill form), which improves my energy a little.
So this past week I met with my med manager and we decided to see if the new supplements (Iodine, and folate again) would help. I only felt more depressed and irritable with just two doses, and fell into a hopeless state again with no energy. So I need to call and let him know then tell him that I became hopeless again this weekend. It comes and goes with no pattern.
Does anyone have any idea what could be going on with me and have suggestions for med's I could talk with my doctor about
. I know he is going to ask me what I think we should do; because I am so sensitive to meds. But really all I want is to feel somewhat normal again and participate in life again.
At this point I can't work as I have now developed a panic about
going to work sense my past abuse from my manager...over it but effected by it. One day I get the idea I want to get a job and start to feel excited about
the prospect the next day I don't even want to think about
Trying to stay strong and not listen to the negative thoughts.
Karen thought abilify I think.
Post Edited (3Shadows) : 7/26/2015 9:22:24 PM (GMT-6)